At Mersey Primary Academy our children play an active part in school life – both within the curriculum and with extra curricular activities. We strive to ensure every child has a voice and all opinions are heard. With this in mind, we regularly carry out pupil voice interviews.
Head Boy and Girl
Each year we elect a Head Boy and Girl and a Deputy Head Boy and Girl. These children are elected democratically by their peers. They are the voice of the school and regularly welcome visitors to the academy.
School Council
We have a school council who are elected by the children each year. We follow a democratic process, with children presenting to their peers the actions they would undertake if they were elected. The council meets regularly and undertake projects .This supports the development of pupil leadership.
Parent voice Results – October 2024
% who strongly agree/ agree
My child likes school 97%
My child feels safe at school 97%
The school helps my child achieve to the best of their ability 99%
The school meets my child’s needs 99%
the school ensure that my child is well looked after 100%
Teaching is good at the school 100%
There is a good standard of behaviour at the school 97%
Lessons are not disrupted by bad behaviour 97%
The school helps me support my child’s learning 100%
The school responds to my concerns and keeps me informed 97%
The school is well led and managed 100%
Parental comments
Brilliant school and staff
XXX loves school
He has really come on in leaps and bounds since starting in Reception
Thank you for everything
SEND pupil voice
100% of children feel safe at school.
100% of children felt teachers helped them when they were stuck.
100% of children felt thy have the opportunity to learn new things.